Thursday, October 21, 2010

Off the map holidays

Sometimes you need a break from the regular holidays. Sometimes holidays tend to become boring. Destinations are packaged and parceled without imagination. Some boffin sitting in a plastic room in some big city creating your holiday after a few minutes of armchair research from online and off line travel guides. The online travel guide refer to the offline guide and the offline guide glean ideas from the online guides producing very similar incestuous travel content. Some better guides have put researchers on the ground, but when the researchers suggest a new something it gets shot down by the boffins in plastic rooms in the headquarter. To cut the story short your holiday is heading for disaster, even worse exactly like your last holiday.

Whats needed is holidays that are created by the people who live in the destination and people who work to deliver the experience. True, there is the danger of not understanding the background and culture of the traveler. But if you look at it is that so important?
As traveler you would like to see something unique, experience that's very different from your world. Yes, there is a risk. But nothing that you cant minimise with common sense and street (and internet) smartness. is one such company that specialises in creating experiential holidays in South India. You wont get bored on your holiday. Certainly.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy New Venture

Hey would be soon millionaires and billionaires!

Getting funded is still a distant dream, till then lets mix and match our skills and get our pet projects off the block.

My strengths are design, written content, (not so successful) experience in startups and of course ideation.

I am looking for a Web marketeer, a web programming soul and a Financial Wiz to complete my team.

Interested anyone?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

My First Day!

I didnt really want to come out to the outside world just as yet but the forces outside forced me to.
I will have my revenge another day but for now I decided to enjoy my first day.
On the D-Day The Doctor looked a lot more tense than my mom. Take my word, she is cool customer. The near perfect delivery made the Doc relax a bit.
Out I go, after the usual polishing I am shown to my Mom... She is impressed I can tell!

My dad he is just outside doing the new Dad routine...walking the corridors outside. He doesnt look too good. But the sight of me I can tell makes him relax. He needs to learn a few tricks from Mom. Grand Ma and Grand Dad (Mom's side) they are there too. Grand ma takes charge right away though am still in my Dads hands. Grand Dad is all smiles and I can see he is spreading the good news around on his new shiny phone.

People come pay their respects and move on. Mom arrives a few minutes later. She looks drained. But she has been very brave I know.
Then Dad takes out his camera and gets busy.
No point in continuing now as you can see for yourself the rest of my day.